Affiliate Disclosure

This site will require an income to pay for web hosting, the writers time, new products to test and general development. At Washing Wizard, we take pride in the appearance of our site and the service it provides, therefore will not take payment for product placements such as advertorials. We want you, our reader, to know that our content and reviews are impartial and genuine. Consequently, this site will be funded through affiliate commissions.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a method whereby other people display and provide access to your products for you in exchange for sharing in money made on the sale.

For example, you visit site x, on site x they have a banner that promotes “the best rotary clothesline ever”, you click on this banner and make a purchase. Site x who hosted this banner will then receive a percentage of this sale, usually anywhere between 4-20%.

How Do Affiliates Work at Washing Wizard?

Here at Washing Wizard we won’t link to our affiliate partners via annoying banner ads but will place links in balanced informative reviews and articles. Any affiliate link will be clearly marked and any for any purchase you make based on our recommendation, we will receive a small commission.

Will Affiliate Links Influence Your Content?

To prevent this from being a conflict of interest we will always be very clear about the fact that we will make commission from sales. This this disclosure will be easily accessible on site and we will state on page if an article contains affiliate links. Above all, everything written on Washing Wizard will be our honest opinion with all the pros and cons, ups and downs included. If we have a bad experience with a product or brand, this will be written up in the review and reflected in the final scores.

On top of this you are always able to give your own reviews and feedback on all products. If you disagree with our ratings, you can tell us and provide your own score. We understand that trust is the most important part of developing a strong relationship with our readers. If we recommend a product and it is of poor quality, you will soon see this yourself when you try it and will not return to Washing Wizard.

Do You Receive Free Products?

For us to be able to give detailed reviews of as many products as we can, we may accept free products. These products will receive the same treatment as all the others and will not be guaranteed a favourable review. Any company that asks for us to tailor a review to their specifications will be politely declined.

Anytime we receive a free product for review we will also add a line to the article to say so. It will usually read like this:

“This product was provided for free by X in exchange for us giving our genuine opinion to Washing Wizard readers.”

The Washing Wizard Team

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